Walk with me
Walk with me
Odie The Chicken Nugget
Spreading love one lick at a time
Like a Dog with a Bone
Can you remember what you used to dream of becoming when you grew up? Perhaps it was a doctor or a teacher? What about a superhero, a singer, or a fireman? Maybe on any given day, you alternated between what struck your fancy. I must admit Superdog sounds good to me...
Perfectly Imperfect
My humans have been doing this strange thing to me lately. They make me sit, and then they plop a treat on my nose while saying loudly, ”stay, don’t move!” I can’t seem to figure out why they are asking me to do this thing. Sometimes when I’m trying to see the treat,...
The Bend Joy Project
My family and I traveled to Bend, Oregon, over Memorial Day weekend. If you haven’t been to Bend, we would highly recommend a visit! I was impressed by the water bowls placed outside of many shops for those like me who might be thirsty. Most shops even encouraged me...