Walk with me
Walk with me
Odie The Chicken Nugget
Spreading love one lick at a time
Spreading the Love
During the month of February there is a special focus on love thanks to Valentine’s Day. I am totally onboard with spreading love to those who are in my life and to others whom I may meet! The more people I can reach the better, because giving love is truly what I...
Paws for a Moment
Hi friends! I’d like to talk a bit more about living in the moment and being present. What does it really mean to live in the moment? I say it means taking the time to feel, to see, to love. You may be asking yourself what makes me an expert to talk about living in...
New Year
The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day means different things to each one of us. Some of us take this time to reflect on the past year, to celebrate the victories, or perhaps to consider what can be done differently in the new year. Some might use this time to...