The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day means different things to each one of us. Some of us take this time to reflect on the past year, to celebrate the victories, or perhaps to consider what can be done differently in the new year. Some might use this time to organize their lives or homes, possibly taking down Christmas decorations to create a fresh start in the new year. Others might think about making new goals or setting resolutions for the upcoming year. Which of these things do you find yourself doing? These are a few of the typical ways to finish the year, and I’d like to tell you about what I do.

I think I’ve found a better way to end the year. What am I doing? I’m taking the time to enjoy my Christmas tree for the remaining days that I’ll have it. I’m curling up on the couch to get in a quick snooze, by my shredded Santa toy that’s been very well loved over the past week. You may find me running around outside in the fresh air in between rain showers, chasing something I know I heard or saw even if my humans can’t see or hear it. What am I not doing? I’m not worrying about yesterday or planning for tomorrow. I’m not making a list of goals or resolutions that I’ll forget about the second week of January. Nor am I taking this time to organize anything, my toys are just fine strewn about my house. I am just being present, being here in this moment, and I am taking the time to do what feels good to me right now.

Now if you are a person who likes to set goals, to organize, or to reflect on the past year, I’m not saying those are things that shouldn’t be done. What I am saying is think about adding some time to rest your body, to rest your mind, to be present. Maybe even allow some time to dream a little about the many possibilities of the new year. Doesn’t this sound like a more restful and peaceful way to really make a fresh start? My own humans aren’t often very good about following my example. I try to give them a little reminder here and there. Don’t you think starting off the new year this way can make for an even better year ahead? I believe it will, and I’d love to be a part of lightening your new year.

Come walk with me, if you’d like.