When I woke up this morning, I stretched and knew today would be the best day ever. I do not have to choose to make each day a good one, it just is! For me, EVERYDAY is the best day ever. Tomorrow will be the best day ever and the day after that? The best day ever! This isn’t something that I strive to do or hope for; it’s just a part of who I am. I believe this is a choice humans can make for themselves each day, too. A choice that will help you feel differently about and in your life if you take a page from my book.

Choosing to make my day a great one comes naturally to me. Each day is a clean slate, a chance to experience whatever it will bring, with a pure head and a happy heart. Maybe that doesn’t come quite as naturally to you as it does to me. Perhaps you will have to make a daily decision to make it a great day, or just a good one. What would it be like for you to wake up in the morning and choose to have the best day ever? You could even start out with that smaller step of thinking today will be a good day. Think about how that positive attitude could impact your thinking and alter the course of your day. It may be a choice you’ll have to keep making all day long, depending on whatever the day brings. 

I try to impact my humans as I look them in the eye each morning and wag my tail to say, what will today bring? What joys will we discover, what adventure will we take today? Sometimes not much is going on, and I may be waiting in my kennel for my humans to return home, but I don’t let my circumstances get me down. As soon as my humans return, I’m up telling them how excited and ready I am for something new and fun. Even if we’re only staying home snuggling, anything can make my day great. 

My momma thinks humans can learn a lot from us dogs if they will take a moment to stop and listen. I believe one reason I am here is to be an example of how easy it can be for humans to make a change in their lives. I’ve seen that change can often feel difficult for humans, as they seem to get caught up in their own stressful thoughts. But when they remember change begins from that first small step, like choosing to make their day a good one, it doesn’t have to feel so hard. A slight shift in your thinking is all it takes to create a lasting difference in your life.

I challenge you to take a moment, no matter what is going on in your life or in the world around you, and choose for yourself to make this day the best day ever. No matter the circumstances you may be experiencing, pause and take a moment to breathe in and say to yourself, today will be the best day ever. See how easy that is? If you need to repeat that to yourself every hour today, do it. Now watch and see what a simple but powerful shift it will bring. My guess is your day will at least be a bit brighter.

Come walk with me, if you’d like.