Hi friends! I’d like to talk a bit more about living in the moment and being present. What does it really mean to live in the moment? I say it means taking the time to feel, to see, to love. You may be asking yourself what makes me an expert to talk about living in the moment. Momma thinks I’ve really got it mastered and says she’s learned a lot from my example. Let me tell you why I believe that I have a lot to share about being present, and why I believe it can change your life.

I spend every day of my life living only in the moment. To be honest, I don’t know how to do anything different. I’m not concerned with yesterday, nor am I thinking about tomorrow. I don’t worry that I could’ve done a better job learning that new trick yesterday or wonder if tomorrow I’ll be in the kennel while my momma and dad are at work. I fully enjoy that good smelling treat that I’m sitting here patiently waiting for and experience each moment of the best ever belly rub I just requested from dad. I can run in, flop down, and stretch out for a relaxing afternoon nap. No cares at all! When we’re thinking about what wasn’t finished at work or what should be completed tomorrow, we can miss seeing and experiencing what’s right in front of us. We might miss seeing that eagle fly by overhead or miss that caterpillar crawl by. We may also miss the chance to make a deeper connection with a friend or loved one when we are not totally present. These may seem like simple things or moments, but they are moments that can bring us peace, pleasure, and immeasurable joy.

I understand you may have a job, a busy schedule, a full life. But how do we begin to “paws” for a moment in this fast-paced world that we live in? A world where if you don’t immediately respond to an email or text it’s lost down the string. Or if something isn’t added to the calendar it’s often simply forgotten. I say we can choose to live another way, choose to be different. Choose to stop or to slow down, even just for a moment. Stop to feel. Stop to see. Stop to love. I really believe that it can be that simple, just like when I choose to stop and sit for a treat. Sometimes we think it may be challenging to change a habit or way of living but it does not have to be as difficult as it may seem. The first easy shift is to see where we have an opportunity to be different. Making just one, easy change can set into motion a whole new lifestyle, one that I know will result in a much happier and fulfilled life.

We have one life here, one chance to live this life that we’re given. Will we regret living our lives in such a way that it is difficult to be fully present? Or will we regret missing those times to connect with our loved ones and fully enjoy those special moments? I think we all know the answer to these questions. Let’s choose to be different.

Come walk with me, if you’d like.